"What dreadful hot weather we have! It keeps one in a continual state of inelegance."

September 2, 2014 Dear Jane, Today marks the one year anniversary of the first time I penned a (public) letter to you! I must confess that if I had not moved to New York City (one year and one day ago), I do not think that I would have begun this delightful venture, so I am very pleased that I did in fact move last September. It is wonderful to be able to read through all of my adventures from this past year and I am quite proud that I have been able to continue my correspondence with you (for we have already established how very lazy of a creature I can be at times). Coincidentally, Jane, I arrived back in New York City from Springboro, Ohio on the same day that I moved last year (the first of September). Unfortunately, it is just as hot if not more so than it was on this day last year when I wrote to you for the first time. I know that it was in fact just as hot last year because I posted a picture about how it was so horridly humid out that I could stick a lea...