“The past, present, and future, were all equally in gloom.”

October 31, 2014 Dear Jane, Jane Austen: All Hallows Eve Edition The above quotation from your fine novel, Northanger Abbey is exactly the kind of quotation that I was searching for to set the chilling tone of my "Halloween" letter to you, for what is more frighftul than a past, present and future plunged equally in doom? As I write to you on All Hallow's Eve, I realize that I have absolutely no intriguing gossip or exciting to news to relate to you, and for this I must apologize. Pray, what good is a correspondent who has no scandals to spread? Nevertheless, fear not, Miss Austen, for I have decided to invent a haunting tale to entertain you on this gloomy, autumnal day. Whether or not it will be satisfactory, however, I cannot say. Before I begin my thrilling tale, I must own that I did make two notes on my cellular device that I wished to recount to you. As per usual, they are quite silly and are of very little importance: "Lady at dunkin donuts ...