"...how shall I bear so much happiness!"

December 9, 2014 Dear Jane, I have decided to write you directly as I have the most riveting and extraordinary news to share with you! Now, I am going to ask that you sit down when you read this for you may not believe what I must tell you and may very well suffer a fainting spell....Are you quite ready, Jane? Last night, my sisters and I attended an athletic event known as a "basketball game" and had the opportunity to see their Royal Highnesses, William & Catherine, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in person! Forgive me, Jane, for I am still overwhlemed by the fact that we were truly in the same room as them! I should also note that the King and Queen of American Pop Music, Beyoncé and Jay-Z, were in attendance and met the Royal couple as well. I must say that I never thought that I would ever see them in person and it was a dream come true, Jane. Catherine and William have long been favorites of mine and my sister's and we just simply had the time of our...