"To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love."

September 19, 2015 Dear Jane, I dare say that you will not believe the fantastic week that I have had unless I give you a thoroughly precise account of it. (Do not let yourself become too excited for I have not yet fallen love with a modern day Mr. Darcy, but it is still exciting news!) I hardly know where to begin! (How often is it that I start a letter with so much glee? I must endeavor to have a happier tone in my letters if this such an uncommon occurrence.) ... The three dots above indicate a lapse in time in which instead of writing, I walked to the local washer woman (or rather, the laundromat) and dropped off (or rather, did myself) my clothes to be cleaned. This is my least favorite errand to complete as I am now very weary and have no desire to do anything else for the remainder of the day. That being said, I shall do my best to continue this correspondence. Where was I? Oh yes...my adventures. I shall go day by day so that I can be sure that I do not leave a single...