"I dare say I shall catch it; and my sore-throats, you know, are always worse than anybody’s."

March 19, 2016 Dear Jane, I do hate to complain, but I must confess to being quite ill as of late. I believe in my heart that I have a sinus infection (but I often believe myself to be suffering from sinus infections, you know). I dare say, I am rather like your character Mary Musgrove (née Elliot) of Persuasion who famously said the above-listed quotation. As you well know, Mary always fancies herself indisposed but this particular time, however, I really am! I had no intention of specifically using this quote, but I should not be surprised as I just finished re-reading Persuasion (a great favorite of mine!). Since last I wrote to you, I celebrated my twenty-seventh birthday...goodness me, I am getting old! However, I have decided that I quite like this age as it is exactly the age of Anne Elliot in Persuasion and as she is one of my favorite literary heroines, why should not I be happy with twenty-seven? Much can happen to a woman at the age of twenty-seven a...