Jane at 200...!

February 11, 2017 Dear Jane, By now you must think that I have completely forsaken you, my dear friend, but pray, believe me when I say that nothing could be further from the truth. I confess that I have been overcome by this newest transition in my life and I could not find it within myself to sit down and write you a letter before now. Transistions, as you know, can be very difficult to come to terms with, Jane. Moving away from my little abode in Queens, coming home to Connecticut and performing in three different productions and now searching for a new job has quite taken up all of my time. (Though I dare say since my productions have come to a close, I have not been always using my time as wisely as I could have...my mother will no doubt agree most heartily with me on this subject.) Anyway, where to begin now that I have begun? I do feel such a connection to you, Jane. You once wrote the following in a letter to your sister, Cassandra, on the eigth of February in the Year-of...