Beauty & the Beast: A Janeite's Review

March 27, 2017 Dear Jane, In case you are not familiar with the story of "Beauty & the Beast," allow me to give you a short summary before I begin my above-mentioned review of this classic, tale as old as time, "boy meets girl" story... Summary: It is a truth universally acknowledged...just kidding! Please, read on, my friend. Enchantress curses cruel, unfeeling Prince, transforming him into Man-Beast and his servants into household objects that retain the ability to speak. Girl is bookish outsider living in small town and has a Pompous Suitor. Girl's father gets lost and stumbles upon Man-Beast's Castle. Girl goes in search of Father. Girl saves Father and meets/is imprisoned by Man-Beast. Man-Beast learns to love Girl. Girl cares for Man-Beast but is eventually released from castle. Girl accidentally incites angry mob of villagers led by Pompous Suitor to attack Man-Beast's Cast...