England Part Two: "...indulge your imagination in every possible flight which the subject will afford..."

September 24, 2018 Dear Jane, I shall, Jane, I shall! This is a quote from your masterpiece, Pride & Prejudice , and it reminded me of my time in England. I must confess that my imagination was taking flight with every new, astonishing location we came upon... Also: Huzzah! I have begun Part Two of my England adventures! In truth, I was not sure that I would actually follow through on this momentous task, but here I am...following through. Small accomplishments, Jane, are life's greatest pleasures. And cake, of course. Small accomplishments and cake. Now, where did I leave off? Ah, yes- after Rachael and I nearly fainted from elated exhaustion onto our beds the night before, we awoke more or less refreshed and ready to explore London the next morning. Happily, another busy and delightful day was ahead of us! Day 2 If I remember correctly, day two was a Friday and it was exceedingly diverting. Now, to remind you of a delicate situation from my last letter: My glas...