"He danced only four dances, though gentlemen were scarce; and, to my certain knowledge, more than one young lady was sitting down in want of a partner."

March 1, 2019 Dear Jane, Imagine a world where one could go to a nearby town's public library and enjoy a whole host of Jane-Austen-related activities, completely free of charge. Surely, such a beautiful world does not exist! Spoiler Alert: It does and it's the world I live in. While that introduction may have been *slightly* over-dramatic, I firmly believe that public libraries deserve to be recognized for the undeniable joy they bring to the lives of so many. It just so happens, though, that a particular library has inspired this joy and dramatic flair within me today: The charming Cheshire Public Library of Cheshire, Connecticut. Throughout the entire month of February, they hosted numerous Jane-themed events and called the series, "For the love of Jane Austen." How divine! Although I did not learn about the existence of said series until the middle of February, I feel truly #blessed that I was able to attend two events that were both exceedingly divertin...