“A little sea-bathing would set me up forever.” ~Mrs. Bennet, Pride and Prejudice

Wednesday 17 July 2019 Hartford, Connecticut Dear Jane, And so our Cartagena adventure continues... A breakfast fit for hobbits. Our second day (Monday, the twentieth of May) was one that both Rachael and I had been looking forward to for quite some time as we were to spend the majority of it on a boat! Before boating, however, breakfast was a necessity. I do so loath to sound "bougie," Jane, but our first full day in Cartagena began by indulging in an exceedingly delicious breakfast whilst seated at a charming table by the pool. Hotel Caribe provides a wonderful buffet breakfast consisting of fresh fruit and jugos (juices), strong & flavorful coffee, eggs, meats, cheeses, pandebono (a roll, of sorts, with cheese baked in- YUM), an assortment of delectable, local pastries (that I cannot remember the names of), and much more! And as I am a hobbit, I often went back for second breakfast. I daresay I could have lingered by the breakfast buffet for ho...