"Selfishness must always be forgiven you know, because there is no hope of a cure."

May 13, 2016 Dear Jane, Before I begin, I must tell you that this letter will be centered entirely on myself, although, I dare say my letters always are. But what is one to do when one has so much to tell? Is it selfish of me to want to report my various adventures to my favourite authoress? If it is, then I heartily accept my selfishness for, I agree, there really is no hope of a cure. My, what adventures I have had of late! It has once again been quite some time since last I wrote, but I am sure you are not surprised for as you know, young ladies of little fortune living in New York City must always do their utmost to stay busy and employed by something each day. Although, as it is only four o'clock on a Friday afternoon and I am writing you a letter, you will surely be forced to conclude that today was no such day. I must confess that I was not so fortunate as to get any paid work on this rain-filled, spring day, but one must not let this affect one too greatly for tomorro...