May 13, 2016
Dear Jane,
Before I begin, I must tell you that this letter will be centered entirely on myself, although, I dare say my letters always are. But what is one to do when one has so much to tell? Is it selfish of me to want to report my various adventures to my favourite authoress? If it is, then I heartily accept my selfishness for, I agree, there really is no hope of a cure.
My, what adventures I have had of late! It has once again been quite some time since last I wrote, but I am sure you are not surprised for as you know, young ladies of little fortune living in New York City must always do their utmost to stay busy and employed by something each day. Although, as it is only four o'clock on a Friday afternoon and I am writing you a letter, you will surely be forced to conclude that today was no such day. I must confess that I was not so fortunate as to get any paid work on this rain-filled, spring day, but one must not let this affect one too greatly for tomorrow is always another day in which one can attempt to make money. However tomorrow is Saturday, so I shall just have to wait until Monday to attempt such a feat.
Anyhow, as I have already alluded to some recent adventures that I have had, I shall list them here along with very short descriptions for each. I will do my best to make this an engaging account of my whereabouts as of late so you do not have to read such an exceedingly long and tiresome letter.
The Library of Mr. Morgan |
The Morgan Library: I took the opportunity in mid-April to visit this wonderful establishment for the very first time. It became known to me that the Morgan offers free admission on Friday evenings, so I decided to take advantage of such a lovely perk of living in New York City. Not only is Mr. Morgan's library breathtaking (how I wish you could have seen it, Jane!), but they had a first edition of your novel, Emma on display! Imagine my delight at seeing such an inspiring artifact!
The first edition of Emma that I viewed at the Morgan! |
A wonderful day! |
Austen & Byron: Together Again: I had the most
wonderful time in New Jersey (of all places) at Drew University on the twenty-first of April, with members of
both the Jane Austen Society and the Byron society. It was such a lovely day
and I met some marvelous people. There were lectures, a tour of the university’s
archival facilities, a lovely tea break, appetizers and wine…and if that were
not enough, attendees had the opportunity to view first editions of ALL of your
novels, Jane. It was astounding- they were so close I could touch them (I was
so tempted!), but did not for the sake of propriety. Did I mention that the
entire day was free of charge? Imagine: people getting together to partake in
discussions of their favorite writers just because they can. It was quite simply a most
joyous occasion.
The truly amazing first editions I spoke of. |
A likeness of you on display at Drew University. |
England Day NYC: Surely, you will not be surprised to learn that I attended a festival in the heart of lower Manhattan devoted entirely to the celebration of England. It was such a charming little fair in Queen Elizabeth II Park at Hanover Square and I cannot wait to attend again next year. I belive this year's festival was their first ever and I dare say it was quite successful. Famed British actor (but more importantly the voice of the Harry Potter audiobooks), Jim Dale, even made an appearance and spoke to the crowd about William Shakespeare. (It happened to be the 400th anniversary of the Bard's death). My dear friend, LoriAnn joined me for a spell to enjoy the festivities!
Such fun! How I adore England! |
Her Majesty and I enjoying the day! |
This is me backstage thinking: "How am I here right now!?" |
Jazz at Lincoln Center Gala: Or as I like to call it, "My Brush with Broadway." I had the another opportunity to sing with the National Broadway Chorus and it was an experience I am not likely to ever forget, Jane. I had the opportunity to walk with Norm Lewis (a dashing Broadway baritone) arm-in-arm to the stage-right door, sing with LaChanze (a favorite Broadway performer of mine), stand near Jazz legend, Wynton Marsalis, as he played his trumpet, hold the mic of the amazingly talented, Vanessa Williams, and speak to famed Broadway diva, Chita Rivera. To say it was an unforgettable night is quite the understatement, Jane!
Just some of Broadway's finest taking a group big deal. |
Some of the Greats. (Amber Iman, Raul Esparza, Chita Rivera, Vanessa Williams, Norm Lewis & LaChanze) |
The amazing lineup for the evening! |
Well, there you have it-the adventures of a young lady just trying to figure out what to do with the rest of her life. Not so awful if I do say so myself, Jane! I admit that even with such adventures, however, I often wish that I were able to live a quiet life in the English countryside as you once did, my dear friend. Nevertheless, it does not do to dwell on such ideas as one has no choice but to live in the present.
Now before I conclude my letter, I want to tell you that I have finished my first full length writing project. It was inspired by none other than you, Miss Austen. I have written a short story collection entitled, "The Chawton Chronicles," and I hope to very soon share it with friends and family. My dear sisters and mother have already read the stories and have assured me that they found them quite diverting.
Yours Faithfully,
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