Portland Part Two: "When in Rome..."

September 28, 2016 Dear Jane, You will not find me complaining, but I am truly in awe that we already find ourselves at the end of September. Whilst we were in the midst of Summer, Autumn always seemed so far away but with the cool mornings, blowing leaves and pumpkin spice lattes (another modern marvel), I am ready to believe that it has finally arrived at last! In truth, this has made me quite giddy as I am a great lover of "sweater weather." Perhaps in your time it would have been called "Spencer Weather?" Oh, how I chuckle just thinking of Elizabeth Bennet saying, "How I love Spencer Weather, Jane! It is a most wonderful time of year." Amanda Forker modeling "Sweater Weather." Elizabeth Bennet modeling "Spencer Weather." VS. Now, if I recall correctly, I promised to write you a "Part Two" letter with more particulars about my adventures in Portland with Darcie (Roommate Darcie NO...