Portland Part Two: "When in Rome..."

September 28, 2016

Dear Jane,

You will not find me complaining, but I am truly in awe that we already find ourselves at the end of September. Whilst we were in the midst of Summer, Autumn always seemed so far away but with the cool mornings, blowing leaves and pumpkin spice lattes (another modern marvel), I am ready to believe that it has finally arrived at last! In truth, this has made me quite giddy as I am a great lover of "sweater weather." Perhaps in your time it would have been called "Spencer Weather?" Oh, how I chuckle just thinking of Elizabeth Bennet saying, "How I love Spencer Weather, Jane! It is a most wonderful time of year."
Amanda Forker modeling "Sweater

Elizabeth Bennet modeling "Spencer Weather."


Now, if I recall correctly, I promised to write you a "Part Two" letter with more particulars about my adventures in Portland with Darcie (Roommate Darcie NOT Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy). I confess that I certainly have a knack for being a neglectful correspondent, Jane. After all, it has already been a month since I travelled there! I fear it is all a distant memory now but perhaps I can still give you a concise and interesting report of the rest of our time there. I shall do my utmost!

The Roaster.

Saturday 20 August 2016: I can say with absolute certainty that this was another particulary hot day in Portland, and much to my dismay, it still had not yet rained during our trip! I suppose I shall just have to return someday... Anyhow, we began our morning with a tour of Stumptown Coffee Roasters. Truly, it was a most intriguing and informational excursion with numerous opportunities to taste various types of coffee; I saw no cause for complaint! (Actually, I do think I may have complained a bit for I had not yet eaten breakfast...am I to blame that it is the most important meal of the day? I think not.)

Thank goodness we ladies
are allowed to drink spirits
these days.
After finding a small saloon in which to take our lunch, we made our way toward a distillery where we were to participate in a tasting of spirits. (I had already purchased a "living social" for it, you see.)  However, before we found the distillery, we happened upon a large antiques market. Naturally, we had to go in and browse for one never knows what one may find in an antiques market. Once we finally arrived at the distillery, however, we were treated to some *ahem* exceedingly strong spirits. The tasting was really quite good but alas, we were not prepared for such strong drinks so early in the day. Planning was not always our forte on this trip, Jane. Nevertheless, we added it to a list of memories that we found charmingly comical.

After a morning of consuming hot coffee (as well as a considerable amount of spirits) and walking in the dreadful heat, we were ready for a quiet repose. Unfortunately, there is no such rest for the weary who are on holiday so we walked to a nearby carriage waiting area (AKA bus stop) and found the coach that would take us toward the famed Portland Saturday Market. Feeling rather weary, though, we did not stay long at the outdoor market and decided instead to travel to the International Rose Test Garden. What a magnificent sight the rose garden was, Jane! There were roses of every variety and color; we were simply in awe. (In truth, I was in awe, I think Darcie was quite tired. She took to napping in various locations throughout the garden. It was quite funny.)

A napping Darcie
Another napping Darcie.

(Chuckle Out Loud)

In truth, I would be remiss if I did not mention that we also made a very special side trip to a bewitching shop called "The Oregon Weedery." To be clear, they did not sell your everyday weeds, Jane. But more on this later.

Amzingly, though, our day was not yet over as I was determined to visit my favorite Portland bookstore one last time before departing Oregon. Once we finally arrived back to the hallowed halls of Powell's Books, I was pleased to see so many patrons mulling about. It seemed that to be in a bookstore on a Saturday evening was a perfectly acceptable form of night life in Portland. Now that is my kind of city, Jane.

The travellers!

Sunday 21 August 2016: As our trip was coming to a close, Darcie and I had the opportunity to travel to Oregon's exalted coastline with two of her friends, Jarod and Lander. It just so happened that we were to visit a coastal town called, Astoria. Now, for those of you gentle readers who are fans of the film, "The Goonies," this was the actual setting of it! I kept saying things like, "Goonies never say die," and "This is our time," and "Hey, you guyyyyyys!" Such a wonderful film.
The Pacific Ocean...is that a
pirate ship I spot in the distance?
Goonies Fans will recognize this building
as the museum where Mikey's dad works!

Happily, it was a cool, cloudy day which is just the sort one would wish to explore the Goonies town on. After wandering about a farmer's market and eating a charming pizza lunch atop a tower overlooking the Columbia River, we then drove to the shore and enjoyed the Pacific Ocean for a spell. Somehow, Darcie found the strength to completely submerge herself in the water despite it's frigid temperature.

Later that evening, as we were packing our belongings in order to be ready to head out for our last day in Portland, we recalled that we had visited that special shop on Saturday. What I did not mention before is that we purchased some delightful treats called, "caramel corns" and "muddy buddies." You may be surprised to learn that such delicacies (which can usually be bought in any market across the country) were of a particular variety not sold in many places. Again, these were not your ordinary caramel corns and muddy buddies. No, they had a special ingredient of the herbal variety, Jane. Anyway, whatever that ingredient was, I may or may not have indulged in it and I may or may not have had more than Darcie and I may or may not have entered into a state unlike any other I had ever been in. All I can say on the subject is, when in Rome, Jane...when in Rome.

Monday 22 August 2016: Our last day in Portland was a lovely one. As we made our way into the city, we decided that it was high time to find a coffee shop and relax with a book. In the charming, Case Study Coffee Shop, we sipped our lattes in peace and read for a short while. It was heaven, Jane.

Once we had our fill of books and coffee, we finally went in search of the ice cream shop that we had been meaning to visit all week: Salt & Straw. Now, I am a great lover of ice cream, Jane, and you must know that this shop was nothing short of a miracle. The scents that filled our noses as we entered the parlour were both comforting and heavenly. I tried many different flavors (including Pear & Blue Cheese) but decided to purchase a whopping double cone of salted caramel and...and...I CANNOT REMEMBER THE SECOND FLAVOR! Woe is me, Jane. I thought for sure I knew but I cannot recall it just now. This will undoubtedly haunt me for years to come. Darcie has just informed me that she indulged in the salted caramel and coffee flavors.

The Cone.
Ah, well, memory loss is one of the downfalls of being me, my dear friend. Anyway, after our extravagant lunch of ice cream and ice cream, we walked once more towards the city center and found ourselves ready for a glass of wine before departing for the airport. Fortunately, the guide from our walking tour on Thursday had informed us that the Portland City Grill had both lovely happy hour specials and brilliant views of the city. His recommendation did not disappoint!

Our journey was now at an end and we prepared for our overnight flight back to New York City. To be sure, we had a most tremendous trip and I am eager to go on another as soon as my monetary funds restore themselves.

Myself and "The Shirt."
Since returning from Portland, I am delighted to tell you that I have gone on a great many adventures, Jane. Firstly, my eldest sister, Regina and I, visited our middle sister, Rachael (whom we miss terribly all the time) in Washington DC.  Whilst there, we had the distinct pleasure of visiting the Folger Library where we toured their divine reading room and walked around a marvelous exhibit dedicated solely to yourself and William Shakespeare. The exhibit is called, "Will & Jane: The Cult of Celebrity." Within the exhibit they had everything from a lock of your hair (please do not be alarmed by this...although I probably would be) to a dazzling shirt worn by Colin Firth when he portrayed Mr. Darcy in the BBC adaptation of "Pride & Prejudice." We were in bibliophile heaven! Also, we decided to rent bicycles and ride them through the heart of downtown Washington amongst the monuments and tourists. Oh, what fun we had, Jane! I must confess that I had not been on a bicycle since I was in my youth so it was quite the humorous (and at times dangerous) experience.
A wonderful exhibit

My beautiful sisters at
The Library of Congress!

The Folger Library
Reading Room...*sigh*

The lovely Library Hotel.
Lady Regina Von Gootkin
 pretending she is
a fashion blogger.
This past weekend, my sister, Regina, and I stayed at the Library Hotel (a delightful book-themed inn in the heart of Midtown Manhattan) as well as journeyed to the Cloisters in Upper Manhattan (upper is an understatement as it is dreadfully far away). The only missing piece of our delightful excursions was the rest of our dear family. How I wish we could have all enjoyed such amusing jaunts together, Jane.

The Frick Collection.
Finally, on Sunday morning last, I decided to greet the day early and visit the Frick Museum on Fifth Avenue for their "pay-what-you-wish" hours. What a truly lovely cultural establishment it is, Jane. The artwork and decor are superb and one can easily imagine what life was like for the wealthy Frick family in the 1900's. Such splendor and extravagance!

I so look forward to writing again to you once I have enjoyed more Autumnal adventures, Jane. But until then, I remain...

Yours Faithfully.



  1. This is our time guys! Goonies never say die!


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