November 10, 2016
Dear Jane,
Now, then, shall we continue? (I promise, this is the last installment...though, perhaps, it will be a welcome distraction from our current political unrest here in America). To give you a reminder of where I left off in my last letter, I had just attended Miss Kim Wilson's lecture on how to give a perfectly proper Regency party and was resigned to trying to find the perfect outfit for that evening's festivities. However, being a lady who does not enjoy the art of shopping, I was not looking forward to such a venture. And now without further ado, part three...
Afterwards, the time came to bid adieu to my
friends in order to begin my search for a new dress. Where was one to find a Regency-appropriate garment in the heart of Washington D.C. in the Year Of Our Lord, two-thousand and sixteen? Luckily, I found an acceptable "maxi" dress rather quickly at a store called, Marshall’s. This could not
complete my search, however, for it had to be respectably accessorized with a
jacket or wrap of some kind. I then walked to another shop called, Macy’s, and
found a lovely, lace jacket. I was confident that after some pinning, it would
be a suitable addition to my dress. Naturally, I did not have a supply of pins with me to attempt this work so I ventured to two different general
stores (in opposite directions of one another) in order to purchase some. After finally finding the necessary item, I
realized that time was of the essence and I would have to hire a post chaise to
carry me home instead of waiting on the rather unreliable public transportation of the city.
Of course, I would have been remiss if I did not at
least check the mail just to be sure the package had not been redelivered. Now, it
is my opinion, Jane, that this may be where you stepped in on my behalf, for lo
and behold when I went to see if there was any mail, I found a package from my Mama short of a true Jane Austen miracle!
A side shot of my hair! |
I quickly donned my gown, arranged my hair as best I
could and requested a chaise and four (another LYFT) to bring me back to the
hotel. I was all excitement and anticipation, Jane! When I got into my coach, I
was told that a gentleman would be sharing my ride and we hastened to pick him
up. I found out that his name was Tim, and when Mr. Tim entered the conveyance
my driver and I realized that he was intoxicated. Soon enough he was ranting
and raving, saying that he knew how to get where we were going and that our
driver was going the wrong way (she was not). After thoroughly berating the poor woman, he
then insisted that he be let out of the coach in the midst of a busy
intersection. To be sure, I was astonished at his ungentlemanlike behavior but
was quite happy to have him out the coach.
All ready! |
The ladies of JASNA NY! |
Soon after my dramatic journey, I safely
arrived at the hotel to find all of my friends and conference attendees looking splendid
in their gowns. What a sight! We then proceeded into the banquet hall for a
most delightful dinner but before our meal began, we all raised a glass of
champagne and gave a toast in your honor, Jane; it was a most touching moment.
Now, what I am about to tell you is most embarrassing. As I sat happily at my
table, I recalled with joy that I had chosen the roasted cauliflower steak for my entrée
and was most excited to eat it. In truth, I was expecting an actual steak. Oh,
Jane, I still chuckle just thinking about my confusion when only a steak-shaped piece of cauliflower appeared on my plate. Apparently, I was the only one who did not know that a
cauliflower steak is in fact cauliflower in the shape of a steak and not a
steak with a side of cauliflower. Nevertheless, it was a most agreeable meal
followed by a delicious apple tart for dessert.
A delightful apple tart. |
The delicious cauliflower steak! |
Practicing in the lobby! |
The Janeites (and those husbands and gentleman
friends who were convinced by their ladies to accompany them) were then asked
to clear the room in order for the staff to set up for the ball. This meant
that it was finally time for the grand promenade through the hotel. To say that
hundreds of people in Regency dress attracted a large crowd is an
understatement! We had a great many people taking photos of us as we traversed
around the hotel lobby in our elegant garb. I could not help but smile and
laugh throughout our parade; it was like nothing I had ever experienced before.
Janeites on parade! |
Between the promenade and the ball there was
still some time left in order to socialize, enjoy a glass of wine (I thank the kind Barkeep for a generous pour) and listen to a panel discuss the
appreciation of Jane Austen around the world. I wanted to attend part of this
panel as I had “e-met” on Instagram, Miss Laaleen Khan, who founded the Jane Austen
Society of Pakistan. Is not it marvelous that your novels are globally beloved?
The Elegant Echoes! |
After a short spell, it was finally time for the
ball to begin. We all excitedly made our way back into the ballroom to find the
musical ensemble, "Elegant Echoes," and our dance leader for the evening,
Miss Susan Taylor ready to begin. What an elegant evening it was, Jane! I
confess that I danced every dance and had a grand time. Alas, even though most
of my partners were ladies and Mr. Darcy did not appear to me, I still enjoyed
myself thoroughly and often think back to that night as one of the happiest I
have had. The orchestra was divine; Mistress Taylor “called”
(instructed us when to turn, set, cast-off, etc.) the dances with patience and
humour. The evening wanted for nothing besides the slowing down of the clock!
Before we knew it, midnight was approaching and the ball was at an end. Woe
were we, Jane! To be sure, it was a night that I will never forget.
The complete outfit! Not perfect, but I was proud. |
The room was splendid! |
Ready to dance the night away! |
A delightful spread. |
Sunday 23 2016: Sadly, the last
day of our AGM had arrived and I was not ready for it to end. We concluded with
a lovely brunch, a lecture by our plenary speaker, Dr. Juliette Wells, and
inspiring closing remarks about the promise of future JASNA AGM's. Much to my
surprise, the curator of the Jane Austen House Museum, herself, sat and ate
with us so I must admit that I was rather star struck! Also, I had the
opportunity to finally meet Miss Laaleen Khan in person, which was such a nice
A most engaging presentation by Dr. Wells. |
Dr. Wells spoke to us at length about a very
important, though often forgotten, publication of Emma. This publication
was very unique as it was an American edition printed in 1816, the same year as
the original English publication. It is believed that neither you nor your
publisher, John Murray, knew of this reprint in America. Additionally, this was
the only edition published in the United States during your lifetime. I wonder
how you would have felt had you known? Currently, there are only six known
copies of this edition so it is especially rare. It was a most fascinating
lecture and I was surprised to learn how much Dr. Wells is able to find out
about each book she has tracked down. There is so much still to learn about
both yourself and your novels and I am always excited to learn more.
A rousing invitation to the 2017 AGM in California! |
Once the conference concluded, goodbyes and
promises of keeping in touch were made. You could see in the eyes of every
Janeite, that the hope of AGM’s to come would keep us warm this coming winter.
Pray, forgive me if I have gone to much into detail regarding this
extraordinary week but I did not want to leave a single detail out. I am so
thankful to JASNA for putting on such a wonderful conference; I am sure it was
no easy feat.
Since attending the JASNA AGM of two-thousand
and sixteen, I have come to understand the meaning of this quotation from, Emma:
“One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the
other.” I realize that it will be difficult for many to understand why a group
of Janeites would wish to assemble for three to five days merely for the sake of
honoring a most beloved authoress. I suppose that all that such wondering minds
need know is that it was a splendid week of books and sisterhood and I am content in knowing that I was
present for it. I suppose I will have to be satisfied with
recollecting these charming memories in my head until I can create new ones at
the next AGM. I thank you, most heartily, for allowing me to relate to you this
wonderful adventure in Washington D.C. and I shall, of course, remain-
Yours Faithfully,
I am so pleased the package from your Mama arrived and you found a suitable dress. I brought my costume with me. It's something dear Jane might recognize but not exactly something she might have worn. I did not dance but I played cards briefly before my carriage and family arrived to bring me home.