England Part Four: “Her passion for ancient edifices was next in degree to her passion for Henry Tilney-- and castles and abbeys made usually the charm of those reveries which his image did not fill.”

October 22, 2018 Dear Jane, I confess that I am feeling rather forlorn and quite ready for another overseas adventure, my friend. What is a young lady to do in such a situation? I suppose I must bide my time, restore my finances and continue to reflect on my English holiday this past August... I am quite proud of that sneaky introduction to what is yet another letter about my trip this summer. COL (*Chuckle Out Loud*) England Part Four...are you ready for it? (Gentle readers: If you did not hear the beginning of Taylor Swift's song, "...Ready For It?" in your head just now, then you need to start listening to 'Reputation' on repeat. Jane: I do not expect you to know this song as it is not one you would recognize!) I digress. The fourth day of our trip, Jane, was most exciting as it was the day we travelled up to York via train. Both Rachael and I had been looking forward to this part of our holiday for months. It just so happened that neither of us had...