"A person who can write a long letter with ease, cannot write ill."

September 17, 2013

Dear Jane,

I cannot believe that another week in New York has come and gone, but it has, and happily, I am still here to tell the tales!

I fear it has been too long since my last letter, Jane. In my defense though, writing a long letter can be a daunting task! Supplying one's friends with detailed accounts of one's adventures (no matter how trivial) can be most exhausting for one who is quite lazy when it comes to narrating one's own stories. Never-the-less, I will do my best to supply you with a most amusing and diverting letter (while attempting not to use the word,"one," so often; one can only try one's best though).

My first piece of news is this: I was officially offered a position with the Murder Mystery Company! When I found out, I was overjoyed at the prospect of being employed as a "real actor," for it is proving to be no easy task in a city where a thousand girls share the same dream as I! Training begins next week, and I eagerly await it!

Side thought: Although I have not seen any tangible success from a New York musical theater audition as of yet, I try to find small victories in them when I can. For example: I auditioned for a cruise line company today, and the casting director happened to be a female of British descent (first victory- meeting a Brit). Anyway, I chose to perform a comedic song, and she genuinely laughed! Also, she said "Brilliant, Amanda" in a fabulous British accent (second victory). No callback necessary to make this lady happy. (Of course, I wish she gave me a callback too, but I will take what I can get!)

My second piece of news is more of an update, actually: The killer cockroach that threatened the very security of our apartment was conquered (in part) by roach poison! I found the unfortunate creature on it's back the next morning, (seemingly) dead as a doornail. Unfortunately, after closer observation, I was quite shocked to find that the beast wasn't completely dead. I say that it wasn't completely dead, dear readers, because it was actually only nearly dead. It was only when I mustered up the courage to approach the foul rake with a vacuum cleaner (similar, but more powerful than a broom, Jane) that I could say with absolute assurance that it was gone for good. That will show those troublesome fiends to show up uninvited to my humble dwelling!

Fortunately, I had a busy weekend to keep my mind off of that unsettling event (which in retrospect may not have deserved almost an entire letter to itself).  I spent most of the weekend traveling by train to various locations, but the journeys were well worth the destinations. 

On Saturday, my parents collected me from the train station in Mount Vernon, New York, where we visited my grandmother and spent a lovely day with her.  I was so very glad to see my parents; I hadn't seen them for almost two weeks! Sadly, my sisters had not been able to join us, and I miss them dreadfully. (On a cheerful note, Regina and Adam returned home safely from Italy!) 

On Sunday, I journeyed to the handsome village (town) of Westport, CT. While in Westport, I rehearsed with the amazingly, talented, Alexis, who will be accompanying me on piano for my one-woman coffeehouse cabaret next week. (Shameless Plug: My Coffeehouse performance is on Thursday, September 26: 9:00 PM at Western Connecticut State University! Write to me post haste for more details!) After rehearsing with Alexis, I met up with my good friend, Matt, and we caught up over a refreshing pint at a trendy establishment in the Lower East Side. (Just to give an idea of how trendy this place really is, they have cocoa puffs and milk on their small but hip menu. If that isn't trendy, what is?) It is always a pleasure to see familiar faces in this befogged place!

I am delighted to report that I am now registered with two temp agencies, and one sample sale agency. I have not yet been called by the temp agencies for work, but I had the opportunity to set up a sample sale on Monday....All I will say on this subject is this: If I never see another box of shoes again, it will be too soon. (To speak plainly, I unpacked and shelved upwards of two hundred pairs of shoes and am now immune to their charm, no matter how attractive they may be.) A job is a job, as they say!

I truly hope you've enjoyed reading this long letter, dear Jane, but whether or not it was written with ease, I cannot say....

Yours Faithfully,


My beautiful mother and grandmother, Catherine & Virginia!

It is always lovely to see 
Her Royal Highness, Catherine the Duchess of Cambridge 
when I am out and about the city!


  1. You and Cate look lovely together, it is true. Yes, those of us in "Amanda withdrawal" need the details of your coffee house (dare I ask if there will be coffee served?) next week. Please forward by post or electronically. Plus, I have the good fortune of sharing an aisle with you this very weekend for a show on The Broadway. So looking forward to it!


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